Labor ins Ohr is a podcast about background stories and trending discussions from the world of science.
We want to give you more insight into these events, provide you with them background knowledge and collect expert voices and professional opinions on disputes.
Bernd Daller is currently pursuing a PhD in computational biology at the university hospital in Regensburg. He is curious about the human microbiome and its interactions with the immune system. When he is not in front of his laptop, caught in another rabbit hole of some exotic topic, he likes hiking, biking and boardgames.
Christoph Wenzl also did his bachelor’s at the University of Regensburg. On the search of international experience, he moved to Austria where he found an interesting environment for his master’s studies which he completed with a master’s thesis about transcriptional repressors. Apart from transcription and enhancers he is also curious about RNA and its modifications. Apart from science and podcasts he likes biking and Capoeira.